Crystal Reports 2008 and Windows Vista x64 As I said before I am now working with the SCSF and it turns out after he left the SP1 changed some things, one of which is that Vista will add an a Project menu does not appear src=""> Add View (with Presenter) and

Add WPF-View (with Presenter),
to solve this we must do the following: 1 .-
Download source code the SCSF
2 .- Go to the directory where you install and open the solution GuidancePackage.sln
3 .- Go to project SmartClientFactoryPackage
within the directory to locate and ah & References # 237; open class
return true ;
if (reference.Name == referenceIdentity) return true ;
5 .- Repeat steps 3 and 4 with class ViewTemplateReferenceVB.cs 6 .- Compile soluciĆ³ny then register it back and we have menus
Add View (with Presenter)
and Add WPF-View (with Presenter)
If you want to correct more details so you can work SCSF both VS 2008 SP1 can check the following link:
SCSF - April 2008 with Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 Known Issues Greetings!