Monday, August 31, 2009

Hanging A Punching Bag, Doorway

As allowed to read files from Excel 2007 64-bit systems (x64)

Perhaps this might happen when working on either Windows Vista or Windows 7 x64 my case, I tried to read an Excel 2007 file from an application . NET and gave me the following error:


provider is not registered on the local computer. or English

The Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on the local machine.

It turns out that this is because there is no office for x64 drivers, so you have to change the type of compilation of the application, which defaults to "Any CPU" to "x86", this in the properties -> Build.

With this we can read the files as normal, something I hope they serve.

Hanging A Punching Bag, Doorway

As allowed to read files from Excel 2007 64-bit systems (x64)

Perhaps this might happen when working on either Windows Vista or Windows 7 x64 my case, I tried to read an Excel 2007 file from an application . NET and gave me the following error:


provider is not registered on the local computer. or English

The Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on the local machine.

It turns out that this is because there is no office for x64 drivers, so you have to change the type of compilation of the application, which defaults to "Any CPU" to "x86", this in the properties -> Build.

With this we can read the files as normal, something I hope they serve.

Lindberg Men Frames Prices

Using Client Application Services Part 02

In previous post talked about how to create an application that allows us to manage user access now see how we can use the ASP membership service. NET in a Windows Forms application that was what he was not available before.

1. Creating the Client application

Let's create a simple Windows Forms application as shown in the image:


As this is only illustrative not need to create a complex application.

2. Linking


Now we will integrate the service they had created previously to make use of validation users, for them we go to the project you just created and right click-> Properties, there we see the left side we have a Services tab, that's where you enable Client Application Services, the check mark and entered the data as shown in the image:


also must add a reference to System.Web in our project right click-> Add Reference on the NET tab look for the assembly and add it, this is for that we can use Class Membership in our application.

3. Validating Users

We will work in the form's Load event, within this will the following code to validate the credentials of a user if they are correct will be shown the form, otherwise it will display a message and close the application.

   if (! Membership.ValidateUser ("User  ", "Password  ")) {

MessageBox.Show ("Invalid User ");
this . Close ();}

Now we can validate user data, even if belonging to validate a role, all that could be done in ASP. NET 2.0 in terms of users, now available for use by other applications, not only that, but also enables centralized user management.

was helpful I hope this post, if there was something that became clear, do not hesitate to leave your comments, also attached the example source code so they can review it.

Download Code Example

Lindberg Men Frames Prices

Using Client Application Services Part 02

In previous post talked about how to create an application that allows us to manage user access now see how we can use the ASP membership service. NET in a Windows Forms application that was what he was not available before.

1. Creating the Client application

Let's create a simple Windows Forms application as shown in the image:


As this is only illustrative not need to create a complex application.

2. Linking


Now we will integrate the service they had created previously to make use of validation users, for them we go to the project you just created and right click-> Properties, there we see the left side we have a Services tab, that's where you enable Client Application Services, the check mark and entered the data as shown in the image:


also must add a reference to System.Web in our project right click-> Add Reference on the NET tab look for the assembly and add it, this is for that we can use Class Membership in our application.

3. Validating Users

We will work in the form's Load event, within this will the following code to validate the credentials of a user if they are correct will be shown the form, otherwise it will display a message and close the application.

   if (! Membership.ValidateUser ("User  ", "Password  ")) {

MessageBox.Show ("Invalid User ");
this . Close ();}

Now we can validate user data, even if belonging to validate a role, all that could be done in ASP. NET 2.0 in terms of users, now available for use by other applications, not only that, but also enables centralized user management.

was helpful I hope this post, if there was something that became clear, do not hesitate to leave your comments, also attached the example source code so they can review it.

Download Code Example

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Average Country Breast Size

Using Client Application Services Part 01


When he came out. NET Framework 2.0, one of the innovations he brought with him was the possibility of using a series of controls and classes for managing users, profiles and roles, with typical features of an application with user management. For

up there all right, but this was available only for Web applications, you could not use Windows, so this kind of applications we had to do extra work to manage users. Now

output. NET Framework 3.5, it will soften things, not that we have the same controls available to do this, but here we can centralize the management of users, which is known as Client Application Services.

What is Client Application Services?

is a concept designed to integrate applications Windows Forms client services Membership of ASP. NET, ie we have a service where users are administered from a Winforms application can reference it and we can authenticate users and all classes of membership that we can afford. Practical Example

For all this issue is clear, here I'll explain how to implement it.

If you want to know how this works management of users and profiles, I invite you to review these articles published some years ago: Customizing

ASP. NET Part 01

Customizing ASP. NET Part 02

These items were for version 2.0 asp. Net, but they are also valid work with in VS 2008.

Back then, we will start with the sample application.

1. Creating the database

This database will serve to store users, this is done with a utility that comes with it. NET Framework, you have to do is go to Start-> All Programs- > Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 -> Visual Studio Tools and open the Command Prompt, will open a DOS console where asp_regsql write, I see a wizard to create a database automatically, you just have to give up next where we ask for data from the server and database, we can let you create the database with the name by default or we can assign any name as shown in the picture.


Once entered the data, we next and finish with this we have our database ready for use in our example application.

2. Creation of the

Now create the service that will connect to the database and interacts with the application to manage users, this will create a new project of type ASP. NET Web Service Application.


This creates a service template, which will not use, because the Windows application will connect directly.

3. Roles and User Configuration

now configure our users and roles that have access to our application, it will use the ASP. NET Configuration Tool can locate it in the menu Project-> ASP. NET Configuration found at the end of menu. We will

a sale of a browser that will allow us to configure everything, this is either intuitive so I will summarize, you should go to the Security tab and go to the link that says Use the Wizard to configure security settings step safety step. in selected access method from the Internet, roles are enabled for the application, add 02 roles (Manager, Customer), we created 02 users also do not add any access rule and the end returns to the safety, here we go to manage users-> edit functions and a user assigned to the Role Administrator role and the other customers and close the browser.

4. Enabling Client Application Services

To make this service can respond to applications that communicate with the need to add the following code to the Web.config file

  \u0026lt;  system.web.extensions  >  
\u0026lt; scripting >
\u0026lt; webServices >
\u0026lt; authenticationService enabled = "true" requireSSL = "false" />
\u0026lt; RoleService enabled = "true" />
\u0026lt;/ webServices >
\u0026lt;/ scripting >
\u0026lt;/ system.web.extensions >

We read in the next inning.

Average Country Breast Size

Using Client Application Services Part 01


When he came out. NET Framework 2.0, one of the innovations he brought with him was the possibility of using a series of controls and classes for managing users, profiles and roles, with typical features of an application with user management. For

up there all right, but this was available only for Web applications, you could not use Windows, so this kind of applications we had to do extra work to manage users. Now

output. NET Framework 3.5, it will soften things, not that we have the same controls available to do this, but here we can centralize the management of users, which is known as Client Application Services.

What is Client Application Services?

is a concept designed to integrate applications Windows Forms client services Membership of ASP. NET, ie we have a service where users are administered from a Winforms application can reference it and we can authenticate users and all classes of membership that we can afford. Practical Example

For all this issue is clear, here I'll explain how to implement it.

If you want to know how this works management of users and profiles, I invite you to review these articles published some years ago: Customizing

ASP. NET Part 01

Customizing ASP. NET Part 02

These items were for version 2.0 asp. Net, but they are also valid work with in VS 2008.

Back then, we will start with the sample application.

1. Creating the database

This database will serve to store users, this is done with a utility that comes with it. NET Framework, you have to do is go to Start-> All Programs- > Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 -> Visual Studio Tools and open the Command Prompt, will open a DOS console where asp_regsql write, I see a wizard to create a database automatically, you just have to give up next where we ask for data from the server and database, we can let you create the database with the name by default or we can assign any name as shown in the picture.


Once entered the data, we next and finish with this we have our database ready for use in our example application.

2. Creation of the

Now create the service that will connect to the database and interacts with the application to manage users, this will create a new project of type ASP. NET Web Service Application.


This creates a service template, which will not use, because the Windows application will connect directly.

3. Roles and User Configuration

now configure our users and roles that have access to our application, it will use the ASP. NET Configuration Tool can locate it in the menu Project-> ASP. NET Configuration found at the end of menu. We will

a sale of a browser that will allow us to configure everything, this is either intuitive so I will summarize, you should go to the Security tab and go to the link that says Use the Wizard to configure security settings step safety step. in selected access method from the Internet, roles are enabled for the application, add 02 roles (Manager, Customer), we created 02 users also do not add any access rule and the end returns to the safety, here we go to manage users-> edit functions and a user assigned to the Role Administrator role and the other customers and close the browser.

4. Enabling Client Application Services

To make this service can respond to applications that communicate with the need to add the following code to the Web.config file

  \u0026lt;  system.web.extensions  >  
\u0026lt; scripting >
\u0026lt; webServices >
\u0026lt; authenticationService enabled = "true" requireSSL = "false" />
\u0026lt; RoleService enabled = "true" />
\u0026lt;/ webServices >
\u0026lt;/ scripting >
\u0026lt;/ system.web.extensions >

We read in the next inning.