Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Are The Button On The X 7 Pocketbike

Text Editor ASP. NET MVC

When developing an application that will contend sections where you need to enter formatted text, it is always useful text editor that allows us this these are used in various types of applications, this time I'll show you how to use the CKEditor with ASP. NET MVC.

The first thing to do is download libraries, unzip and copy the / Content / js / then add the reference to ckeditor.js file at the hearing which will be used or if you want to masterpage entire application would be something like this

  \u0026lt;    script src =   "../../ Content / js / CKEditor / ckeditor.js "   type  =" text / javascript " >   \u0026lt;/     script>  

With this we have the reference to the script to use, put it to work now to add the following

 \u0026lt;% = Html.TextArea ("  Description", " "   new {@ name = "description  "})%> 
\u0026lt;script type=" text/javascript ">

// This call can be placed at any point after the
// <textarea>, or inside a <head><script> in a
// window.onload event handler.

// Replace the <textarea id="editor"> with an CKEditor
// instance, using default configurations.
CKEDITOR.replace(" Descripcion ");

//]]> \u0026lt;/ script>
 With this we can achieve something 

This editor has many options such as show only a few commands, skins, among others, I invite you to review this very good

What Are The Button On The X 7 Pocketbike

Text Editor ASP. NET MVC

When developing an application that will contend sections where you need to enter formatted text, it is always useful text editor that allows us this these are used in various types of applications, this time I'll show you how to use the CKEditor with ASP. NET MVC.

The first thing to do is download libraries, unzip and copy the / Content / js / then add the reference to ckeditor.js file at the hearing which will be used or if you want to masterpage entire application would be something like this

  \u0026lt;    script src =   "../../ Content / js / CKEditor / ckeditor.js "   type  =" text / javascript " >   \u0026lt;/     script>  

With this we have the reference to the script to use, put it to work now to add the following

 \u0026lt;% = Html.TextArea ("  Description", " "   new {@ name = "description  "})%> 
\u0026lt;script type=" text/javascript ">

// This call can be placed at any point after the
// <textarea>, or inside a <head><script> in a
// window.onload event handler.

// Replace the <textarea id="editor"> with an CKEditor
// instance, using default configurations.
CKEDITOR.replace(" Descripcion ");

//]]> \u0026lt;/ script>
 With this we can achieve something 

This editor has many options such as show only a few commands, skins, among others, I invite you to review this very good

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where Can I Buy A Swingset In Singapore

The requested database is not defined in configuration.

If you ever are working with Enterprise Library or Repository Factory, maybe I can give this error when making the call to the database is to be define some elements in our project configuration file that makes reference to the class to access the database.

In my case it worked as follows:

configSections Add the tags.

  \u0026lt;    configSections>  
  \u0026lt;    section name  =  "repositoryFactory"    type =  "Microsoft.Practices.Repository.Configuration.  
  RepositoryFactorySection , Microsoft.Practices.Repository, Version =,  
  Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null "   />  
  \u0026lt;    section name  =  "dataConfiguration"    type =  "Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.  
  Configuration.DatabaseSettings, Microsoft.Practices. EnterpriseLibrary.Data,  
  Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a "  />  
  \u0026lt;/     configSections>  

Now define the default connection of the application

  \u0026lt;  dataConfiguration   defaultDatabase  =  "DefaultConnectionString"   />  
This connection string is defined to be within ConnectionStrings
  \u0026lt;  add   name  =  "DefaultConnectionString" connectionString  
    = "Data Source =.; Initial Catalog = Database; Integrated Security = True"  
  providerName   = "System.Data.SqlClient"   />  
   Having defined 

this now when we call our class, in my case using Repository Factory would like this: repository =

 ClaseRepository  new  ClaseRepository (DefaultConnectionString   "); 

With this we should not have that error, at least in my case it worked if they have more input on the issue and possible solutions, I would welcome your comments.

Where Can I Buy A Swingset In Singapore

The requested database is not defined in configuration.

If you ever are working with Enterprise Library or Repository Factory, maybe I can give this error when making the call to the database is to be define some elements in our project configuration file that makes reference to the class to access the database.

In my case it worked as follows:

configSections Add the tags.

  \u0026lt;    configSections>  
  \u0026lt;    section name  =  "repositoryFactory"    type =  "Microsoft.Practices.Repository.Configuration.  
  RepositoryFactorySection , Microsoft.Practices.Repository, Version =,  
  Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null "   />  
  \u0026lt;    section name  =  "dataConfiguration"    type =  "Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.  
  Configuration.DatabaseSettings, Microsoft.Practices. EnterpriseLibrary.Data,  
  Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a "  />  
  \u0026lt;/     configSections>  

Now define the default connection of the application

  \u0026lt;  dataConfiguration   defaultDatabase  =  "DefaultConnectionString"   />  
This connection string is defined to be within ConnectionStrings
  \u0026lt;  add   name  =  "DefaultConnectionString" connectionString  
    = "Data Source =.; Initial Catalog = Database; Integrated Security = True"  
  providerName   = "System.Data.SqlClient"   />  
   Having defined 

this now when we call our class, in my case using Repository Factory would like this: repository =

 ClaseRepository  new  ClaseRepository (DefaultConnectionString   "); 

With this we should not have that error, at least in my case it worked if they have more input on the issue and possible solutions, I would welcome your comments.