Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nysc Students Discount

has been disabled network access for distributed transaction manager (MSDTC)

Hello friends, it turns out that testing a Web application in Visual Studio 2008 does not bore me in Internet Explorer 7 I would get the error " Internet Explorer can not display the web page
  • . " at first I thought it was an application error, as he had migado Visual Studio 2005 and was on. NET 2.0, but I tried it on Firefox and nothing, so I decided to create a new web extension to test whether corríay rule that is the problem of implementation of the Visual Studio.
  • The result was the same, so the culprit was the VS, as well finding out that it could be, I came across an article by
  • Guille
    where I had the mime problem it seems is DNS error when running a website from Visual Studio on Windows Vista . For
  • seeing the various solutions proposed in the article, which also mentions
  • ASP.NET Development Server Problems Under Vista
    I began to test possible solutions, in my case what I did modify regedit to disable IPv6 that comes with Vista which does not conflict with IPv4 and properly resolve domain names.

    The next step is to go to REGEDIT

  • and under the key

    and assign 255 in decimal and hexadecimal FF FF, reboot the computer and go. Guille In the article mentioned the other things like changing dynamic port allocation on the website when it runs, but in my case wide by changing the regedit and disable IPv6 on network properties.

    Internet Explorer no puede mostrar la página web

    hope will be useful.


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