Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summary Of Each Chapterfor Deathwatch

The Q Factor. Health and Performance. Spain Cup

The Q factor is the distance between your legs when pedaling , and therefore has a major influence on the biomechanics, and health and performance of the rider.

We must bear in mind that manufacturers call Q Factor the distance between the centers rods, other words, the spacing between the outer surface of the crank, to the height where the pedals are screwed.

But that's not exactly the distance between the foot pedal. Thus, the maximum Q factor we must add the minimum Q factor , which is the distance between the outer surface of the rod horizontal axis foot , and you get the functional Q Factor , put another way, the gap center to center of pedal.

The determination of the functional Q factor is obtained by measuring the separation of iliac crest side to side and with the proper length of rod allow riders to use all the muscles of the leg load, extension and flexion.

Again biomechanics plays a essential base in cycling as The functional Q factor allows muscle development undertake a greater increase in balance and fitness during the growth process, thus enabling more efficient production of the final development stage and more importantly, avoiding alterations and disease. Just as adults produce improvements over time once placed with its corresponding Q factor, which we avoid possible disruptions that could result in the femoral head, knee and ankle, providing stability symmetric axle load.

We must bear in mind that the Q factor can be influenced plantar by instabilities that may arise or otherwise, which should be resolved before the Q factor also continue to be stable and useful .

Most people think that the lower Q factor greater performance efficiency because legs go wide with energy loss is quite , but be very tight it is not right. We note that the size of the Q factor is given by the separation the iliac crests and depends on each individual, in addition to be functional must match the distance between the centers of the pedals.

The Q factor is a dimension provided little and estimated by practitioners of cycling in all categories and levels as well as the length of the rod and biomechanical aspects. Taking are as important as on performance and health does not mean by not showing more interest in these securities, especially by applying in young cyclists considering the benefits.

hope that this information is useful and you can get a practice of effective and beneficial sport. Greetings!


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