Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What Do You Call A Wrestling Uniform


August 3, 2010

Dear Mr. Juan Carlos Castaño Moreta :

I am contacting you to send you my application formally recall the conversation we had in Villarrobledo because of the time trial championship in Spain.

frequently attend races and I've seen in all competitions a huge amount of changes and problems in cyclists, from his poor position on the bike. But my concern increases when school competitions, junior cadets and more problems I keep seeing the same thing.

I know that you delegate all of the issues professionals at your disposal, but it's interesting that you personally take part in the matter and observe for yourself the problems that I speak and how they impact negatively on the health, efficiency and progress of qualities of these young people who are the future of English cycling, which is the federation over which you preside.

urgently inform the clubs and schools need to adjust the bikes to riders and pass on some basic biomechanical knowledge with the intention of creating culture. This would be a revolution, a change that cycling needs and that the federation can only lead.

unconsciously, not to use their bikes components to suit your needs, cyclists are suffering serious health disorders, some irreversible, truncating hopes, efforts and determine all life. Instruction in the use of biomechanics, training cyclists is the best way to go if you want to promote cycling base.

write a blog ( ) where I try all these issues and you can see, the mime so I am at your disposal for any question you want comment me. I would be gratifying to see that lends itself to this issue the attention it deserves.

I thank you most sincerely for your attention and hopefully be good enough to send a response to these considerations when making a decision.

Respectfully Yours,
Amadeo Ortiz Murcia.


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