Thursday, April 22, 2010

Find Master Lock Combination Online


Cycling is one of the sports today, it has grown a lot as a modality and is attracting the interest of many children who dream of competing in major cycling races. Bicycling is, apart from physical activity and fun, a practice that has an impact on the development of children, both cognitive and affective-social, as in the physical and motor.

The period of greatest activity occurs in the later stages of physical growth of the person, when the child reached the last stage of development and starts motor sports competitions.

latter stages of development, the individual undergoes major physical changes
. This is where the pedal, because it affects the psychomotor development , a sign of inadequate mobility generates a destabilizing creates an ineffective habit that no benefit in performance and growth, can potentially cause disruption and injury. Hence the importance that children have a bicycle according to the evolutionary development when found, to express the pedaling of the most successful, achieving develop physical strength, endurance and adequate growth, preventing health conditions and facilitate the management on driving. can not understand not all that important given the importance that effective pedaling is for development (evolution) and training of the child.

With the growing popularity of youth sports and the emphasis to increase the fitness level of children, we must understand the physiological basis of growth and development. "Children
are not miniature adults . They are unique in every stage of their development. "

When children get bigger, so do most of their functional capacities and motor skills, strength and aerobic and anaerobic capacity. These changes vary among different subject chronologically, so it is important to specify in each case the biological age versus chronological age.

Different determinants on growth and development of individuals, one of them comes genetically determined , heritage has a direct influence on issues such as growth rate, skeletal maturation, body height, etc. but other exogenous or environmental factors as nutrition, climate, disease and physical activity also interact and determine the final growth and development .

If a person has a certain genetic potential and undergoes in childhood malnutrition, disease or lack of physical activity may not be able to reach that level where it is marked genetically.

Interestingly order child sport, as sport misdirected or bad practice can have adverse consequences both physical and psychosomatic: Aggravation of latent diseases, alteration of different organs, systems or devices.

For all that stress the importance of the child is provided with the right components to express its ability to effectively and gain greater increase of capacity.

Similarly , an appropriate position on the adult bike riders, adjusted for the individual, beficioso provides both performance and health.


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