some time ago that I wrote and for now working on a project and I ran into a problem a little strange in the control of AjaxControlToolkit CalendarExtender 3.5 , passed that I add showed every day, 5 days only showed me as I show in the picture:
I could be a problem control, but try it in another project I was not the problem, investigating I discovered that this is due to the style sheets using this control internally and styles as I have in my application overwrote the original and gave control this behavior .
style used by the control is as follows:
# container table {//...
So if you have in your application stylesheets that use this identifier should be renamed to avoid affecting the styles of the calendar or at least add to the control style so you can use, so :
. Timetable. Ajax__calendar_container {
width: 250px ;}
. Timetable. Ajax__calendar_body {
width: 250px ;}
and assign this class schedule
\u0026lt; ajax: CalendarExtender ID = "TextBox_CalendarExtender" runat = "server" Enabled = "True"
TargetControlID = "TextBox" CssClass = "calendar " > \u0026lt;/ ajax : CalendarExtender>
display the remaining part of my calendar, but if they can customize all the calendar styles to change how it looks, I leave the classes so they can customize to your taste:
.calendario .ajax__calendar_header { }
.calendario .ajax__calendar_title { }
.calendario .ajax__calendar_dayname { }
.calendario .ajax__calendar_day { }
.calendario .ajax__calendar_hover .ajax__calendar_day { }
.calendario .ajax__calendar_hover .ajax__calendar_month { }
.calendario .ajax__calendar_hover .ajax__calendar_year { }
.calendario .ajax__calendar_active { }
.calendario .ajax__calendar_today { }
.calendario .ajax__calendar_other .ajax__calendar_day { }
. Timetable. Ajax__calendar_hover. Ajax__calendar_today {}
. Timetable. Ajax__calendar_hover. Ajax__calendar_title {}
hope will be useful, to the new post.
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