Today we live in a world of requirements where competition and technology have changed completely the possibility of cycling , a more effective and healthy way, creating a perfect balance man and machine through the determination of the appropriate and adjustment of the position.
But cyclists living in a bubble and practice an ancient cycling, forgo the opportunity to move in line with the possibilities of the moment, excluding media and techniques such as biomechanics, which can bring the bike to each rider so that you can express their capacity as efficiently as possible without conditions expression and health.
In this sense, it is surprising that both the base and the cycling of high-performance practice without considering importance of biomechanical adjustment and how much influence in muscle and psychomotor development during the growth of cycling, and as improving efficiency and overall performance while avoiding injuries.
is why do I say a cycling the old . A person who needs glasses is not placed around either, but uses a precisely graded according to the needs of the eye. Well, this is the same as catching a bicycle either raise or lower the seat, move the handlebars put the rider, wishing to obtain the total effective capacity. Cyclists should bring their bicycles as anthropometric measurements were made using a biomechanical setting.
Greetings to all and good luck for the family comprising Guerrita, for a year out business as usual.
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