cycling in schools, cadet and junior, is taking a serious problem. The problem is q ue a large number of competitors in these categories are suffering muscle shortening subsequent twins, hamstring, glutes, etc.
This problem is caused by excessively long rods used in relation to leg length of the child. oversized cranks generate hyperflexion in step super ior of the knee and a retroversion pelvic muscle shortening that occurs after back and generating leg injury.
The fact that the harmful effects of a practice discouraged exercise do not occur immediately but in the long term, is difficult to create a clear awareness about the dangers of them. An exercise is considered inadvisable, does require that the general body or body parts to move forcefully. subjects during growth should avoid any process that produces excessive forces so etitiva rep.
To avoid or solve the problems, parents, clubs, managers or federations d eben make a concerted effort to raise awareness and seek a meeting in which information and continue efforts to improve postural .

EYE: No need to worry about that growth-age children, using a lower link in length to his ability, as this does not create problems in the health and performance as a oversized rod.
I ask all the greater involvement so that children can biking healthy and not adversely affected by injury to truncate their illusions.
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