Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cervical Mucus 9 Days Post Ovulation



(Faenza, Italy today, 1608-Florence 1647) Italian physicist and mathematician. Evangelista Torricelli is credited with the invention of the barometer. Furthermore, his contributions to geometry were crucial in the development of integral calculus.

His treatise on mechanisms of mutual (On the move), managed to impress Galileo, Torricelli himself who had inspired the drafting work. In 1641 he received an invitation to perform as an assistant to an elderly and Galileo in Florence, during which they were the last three months of life of the famous astronomer at Pisa.
photo: Torrecilli.

the death of Galileo, Torricelli was appointed professor of mathematics at the Florentine Academy. Two years later, following a suggestion by Galileo, filled with mercury a glass tube of 1.2 m in length, and invested it on a plate, then found that the mercury does not escape, and noted that in the space metal above the vacuum was created.

After many observations, concluded that variations in the height of the mercury column due to changes in atmospheric pressure. Never published these findings, since devoted herself entirely to the study of pure mathematics, including work on the cycloid calculations and other complex shapes.

geometric Opera in the title, published in 1644, also presented his findings on fluid mechanics phenomena and projectile motion.

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