Thursday, March 6, 2008

Orange Juice With Cream Of Tartar?

Gay Lussac.

Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat, France, 1778-Paris, 1850) French physicist. He graduated from Ecole Polytechnique of Paris in 1800. He left a further extension of their studies after accepting the offer of associate in the laboratory of Claude-Louis Berthollet, under the patronage of Napoleon. In 1802 found that all gases expand the same volume fraction for the same increase in temperature, which revealed the existence of a common coefficient of thermal expansion that made possible the development of a new temperature scale, established later by Lord Kelvin. In 1804 he made a balloon ascension which corroborated that both the Earth's magnetic field as the chemical composition of the atmosphere remain constant from a certain height. In 1808, the year he married, he enunciated the law of combining volumes bearing his name, that the volumes of two gases that react in the same conditions of pressure and temperature bear a simple relationship.

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