Thursday, March 6, 2008

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Blaise Pascal.


(Clermont-Ferrand, France, 1623-Paris, 1662) Philosopher, French physicist and mathematician. His mother died when he was three years, following which his father moved to Paris with his family (1630). He was a precocious genius whose father started very early in the geometry and introduced into the circle of Mersenne, the Academy, to which he belonged. Pascal there became acquainted with the ideas of Girard Desargues and in 1640 wrote his Essay on Conics (Essai pour les coniques), which contained what is now known as Pascal's hexagon theorem.

Photo: Blaise Pascal

Designation of his father as royal tax commissioner meant moving to Rouen, where Pascal developed a new interest in design and construction of an adding machine, are still kept several copies of the model devised, some of whose principles were then used in modern mechanical calculators.

Pascal began in Rouen also interested in physics, and especially for hydrostatic, and undertook his first experience on a vacuum intervened in the controversy over the existence of horror vacui in nature and carried out important experiments (in especially the Puy de Dôme in 1647) in support of the explanation given by Torricelli the operation of the barometer.

Pascal induced disease to return to Paris in the summer of 1647, doctors advised him to distraction and began a period that ended his worldly mystical experience of the November 23, 1654, his second conversion (in 1645 had espoused Jansenism ), convinced that the way to God was not in Christianity and philosophy, Blaise Pascal suspended his scientific work almost completely.

few months before, as witnessed by his correspondence with Fermat, had dealt with the properties of arithmetic triangle of Pascal called today and gives the coefficients of successive powers developments of a team, and his treatment of the triangle in terms of a "geometry of chance" made him one of the founders of the mathematical calculation of probabilities.

In 1658, apparently in order to forget a toothache, Pascal developed his study of the cycloid, which was an important stimulus in the development of differential calculus. From 1655 he attended Port-Royal, where he had retired in 1652 his sister Jacqueline. Sided in favor of Arnauld, the Jansenist general, and published anonymously their provincials. BACK

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