Returning to England in 1644 he found that his father had died leaving the estate of Stalbridge in Dorset, and estates in Ireland, but spent much time in the house of his sister in London, where he frequented a group of scientists that later formed the nucleus of the Royal Society. Since then, devoted his life to scientific research and study, soon taking a prominent place among the inquisitors known as the Invisible College (Invisible College), whose members were devoted to the cultivation of the "new philosophy" (science). Its members met frequently in London, often at Gresham College, with some also held meetings in Oxford, Boyle city that she moved in 1654.
In 1657, reading about air pump by Otto von Guericke, was proposed with the help of Robert Hooke develop improvements in its construction, which resulted in the machine or pneumatic machine Boyleana completed in 1659 and it started with a series of experiments on the properties of air . In 1660, he published an account of the work done with that instrument with the title New Experiments PhysicoMechanical Touching the Spring of Air and Its Effects (New Physico-mechanical experiments on the elasticity of air and its effects).
Using such a bomb, was the first to demonstrate Galileo's assertion that, in a vacuum a pen and a piece of lead fall at the same speed, and also established that the sound is not transmitted in a vacuum. Your descubrimientop more important because of the vacuum pump the pricipio fu (called later Boyle's Law) that the volume occupied by a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure with which the gas is compressed and also that, if eliminates the pressure, the air "recovered" (his own word) their original volume. Having established that the air was compressible. Boyle was convinced that it was composed of small particles separated by space publiacaron vacĂoTodas these ideas in a book with a title very long, often called "the elasticity air "and played a significant role in establishing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe atomic nature of matter.
In the field of chemistry, Boyle noted that the air is consumed in the combustion process and that metals gain weight when oxidized. recognized the difference between a compound and a mixture, and formulated his atomic theory of matter based on laboratory experiments.
Among the critics of the theories expounded in this work was the Jesuit Franciscus Linus (1595-1675) , being as he answered their objections when Boyle states that the volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure, known in the field Boyle Anglo-Saxon law, and in Europe as Boyle's law, although the latter was not published until 1676.
Invisible In 1663 the College became the Royal Society of London for improving the knowledge of nature ", Boyle found among the board members appointed by royal decree of association granted by Charles II. In 1680 he was elected president of the company, but declined the honor of being named by scruples against oaths.
In 1668 he left Oxford and moved to London at the home of his sister, Lady Ranelagh, in Pall Mall around 1689, his health, never very robust, began to fail, forcing him to withdraw from her public engagements, ceasing his communications with the Royal Society and by making public his desire to be excused from receiving visitors, except in very special occasions, Tuesday and Friday mornings and Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. His health deteriorated in 1691, died Dec. 30 of that year, just a week after his sister died, with whom he had lived more than 20 years. His body was interred in the chapel of St Martin's in the Fields, after a funeral officiated by his friend Bishop Burnet.
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