The Early Literacy is the foundation of learning formal reader built during the first years of life, through the involvement of children in reading and writing activities in their environment. The components of early literacy are: The comperensiĆ³n and attribution of meaning to read and decode the written text. Both components include several aspects, as summarized in the following image:
The domain reader is not only a technical issue of converting letters into sounds that come together to form words and phrases. The ability to understand the text, the purpose of reading is based on oral language development, knowledge content area addressed by the text, the characteristics of the texts themselves and the interest and motivation to take the reader into reading.
How can you develop initial literacy in the family and the educational context?
Here is a selection of responses given by the educators and technicians from all regions during the training:
In the context Family:
1 - Reading family (stories, journals , diaries, poems)
2 - Create a quiet environment for storytelling
3 - Read the story before narrating
children 4 - up stories and puppets for children, telling them stories that the child has lived
5 - Visits to libraries
6 - Visits Book Fairs
7 - Reading with children different types of text, everywhere (grocery store, watching television, tickets, magazines, logos)
8 - Read a quantum every night before bed
9 - Stop watching television at least half an hour a day and then read.
10 - Discuss the books read to children.
11 - Inviting listeners to a story in the family make up a new ending or create another story with the same characters
12 - Cutting elements and images from magazines and then family children make up stories based on these images.
13 - Watching adults read (readers be models)
14 - Making games with the words
15 - Each member of the family once a month to buy your favorite magazine
16 - Free Gift between family members special occasions (Christmas, birthday)
17 - Count legends and myths of the region, telling family stories
18 - Making family situations (routines such as sorting, cleaning, bathing) to stimulate oral and written language of children.
19 - Listening to music with family
20 - Create greeting cards for special occasions
21 - Searching available through the children
22 - Maintaining a home library with books of different subjects, science, technology, engineering, history, geography, dictionaries, globes, maps, drawings, paintings, etc.
23 - Story Time sibling
24 - Put magnetic letters on the refrigerator
in the educational context:
1 - Encourage parents, guardians, family. Interest in reading. Deliver materials (books, magazines)
2 - Conduct writing workshops at school among educators, administrators, families, and other members of the community.
3 - Work in small groups (maximum 6)
4 - Organize the spaces
5 - Collective creation story
6 - Story traveler or traveler's notebook, where families can have their reading experiences
7 - Creating a Notebook News
8 - Story time, daily
9 - Mobile Library through the different rooms
10 - Involving the family in the classroom activities
11 - Working with notebooks, in which families create their own story
12 - Preparation of a story by staff garden to make it known to children and their families
13 - Exhibition of stories
14 - Dramatization of stories
15 - Conduct workshops with storytelling families, in which they participate actively in the experience
16 - After lunch time, as children are finished, they approach the area of \u200b\u200bshort stories.
17 - Listen carefully to what each child said during the shared reading
18 - Invite families to participate in the Born to Read project through a letter carried by children.
19 - Invite a family member of children to read a story to the room
20 - Insert this project as "language project" in the Educational Project of the center to focus more resources.
21 - Submit all births downtown Reading Program, starting with a work presentation theater.
22 - Performing with the children alive at the Municipal Library.
23 - Be in the living books available to children
24 - Harness magipalabras time to acclimate, prepare and promote reading.
25 - Book Day Celebration
26 - Socialize the team with equipment Born To Read, starting with their own families
27 - Talking with parents at meetings of trustees of the importance of the project and the benefits it will bring in communication with their children. Charm, to conquer the families to feel they are disadvantaged to participate in this project.
28 - Provide opportunities for children to touch, manipulate, observe, explore different types of texts and books.
29 - Record videos of how the garden educators or reading stories to children, then watch the videos together and reflect on the strategy.
30 - Creating a Notebook traveler among the institutions participating in the program "Born to Read" in the same region to learn how to implement the program at this center and share experiences.
31 - Create a "Day of sharing favorite stories" among children.
32 - Draw up stories to children, they draw and the adult writes down what the child wants to tell its story.
33 - Representing the stories with puppets and shadow theater
34 - Invite small groups of moms and dads to know the material of the Born To Read Program by levels.
35 - Make a short story competition with families, children and people working in the garden.
36 - Use all networks around the center, such as coordination with sector libraries.
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