Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Naughty Birthday Ideas

Energy Kit Training Event at UNT

It turns out that I'm working with these products and had a big problem when loading a report, I got the following message:

An error has occurred while Attempting to load the Crystal Reports runtime.

Either the Crystal Reports registry key permissions Are Insufficient or the Crystal Reports runtime is not installed Correctly.

Appropriate Please install the Crystal Reports redistributable (CRRedist *. msi) containing the correct version of the Crystal Reports runtime (x86, x64, or Itanium) required. Please go to

for more information.

Well ignoring the message, I was looking for 64-bit runtime, supposedly comes in the installation DVD VS 2008, but I found the solution. Looking for a little more I found this link

where it says error and gives the solution:

Then just change the Target CPU of the project we will show the report to x86 and you can see our report. For this we go to our

Any CPU, x86

exchange it for
and run.

I hope they serve. Greetings


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